Sunday, December 4, 2016
Unexpected Ectoplasm
On this blog post, I'm writing about the "Welcome" photo, above, for an obvious reason, the (unexpected) ectoplasm in the photo.
A few weeks ago, I was visiting a friend, and I decided to take a few pix, which is not unusual for me, as I take pictures and sell downloads on a couple of photography websites, and I also take pictures, of course, for my two blogs. I particularly like to take pictures of signs that say, "Welcome." Little did I know that I'd capture orbs in this photo.
Ninety-five percent of the time, I don't even plan to take a paranormal picture. It just happens. Here it was, in the daytime, with no flash, and orbs show up in the photo. I just have a natural knack for doing that (as do my husband and brother).
And, so much of the time, nothing shows up in the pictures you take of the so-called haunted places, but just go take pictures of everyday things in everyday places, and something strange shows up. Even after all these years of taking paranormal photos, I'm still amazed by what I oftentimes capture with my camera. And, it's just an ordinary little camera, nothing fancy.
Also, one of my blog posts that is most often searched for and read is the one about the June Tolliver House ghost photo. It's the picture of a ghostly image in the window of the June Tolliver House in Big Stone Gap, Virginia that was taken in 1964 by my brother, Nick, when he was a school boy.
This picture, along with around a hundred others. is in my book, "Photographic Encounters of the Spirit Kind," which can be purchased on Amazon. (Also, please see the widget above.)
In the next month or so, I'll have the famous photo for sale on note cards. I'll hopefully tell more about that in my next blog post.
Anyway, please stay tuned for more things paranormal, especially of the photo kind!
Thanks for visiting! Until Saturday, January 7, 2017 (Wishing you a very merry Christmas and a happy new year!), Becky
Saturday, November 5, 2016
Haunted Lake Lure Inn
A few weeks ago, Greg and I met some of our family members at hauntingly (literally!) beautiful Lake Lure, North Carolina.
Lake Lure is a wonderful place for recreational activities such as boating and hiking. Also, you can dine, relax, and just have fun.
And, if you're into the paranormal, there are two places to spend the night that are supposed to be haunted.
One is the "Lodge on Lake Lure." We've never stayed there, but according to some sources, this place is very haunted.
The other haunted inn is "The 1927 Lake Lure Inn & Spa." We've stayed there twice, and we believe it is haunted. The first time we stayed there was last year. I wrote a blog post about it, "The Haunting Lure of a Lake" (7/4/15) which you might want to check out.
The inn doesn't try to hide the fact that it is haunted, as you can see from this newspaper article that is on display in the lobby-
Several people, including workers at the inn, as well as visitors, have seen and heard some very strange things there.
Perhaps the most notable evidence of a ghost is a photo taken during a wedding reception several years ago which shows the ghostly figure of either a man or a boy.
Here's the link to the above-mentioned photo and more info on the two haunted Lake Lure inns which you might find chillingly interesting!-
Also, I want to let you know about a little-known Halloween event that our sister-in-law Cris told us about. It's the "Halloween Weekend on Mackinac Island" at which time there are sales going on at their downtown shops, as well as "epic" costume parties, and "chilling" ghost tours. It looks intriguing and fun! Greg and I are considering going next year.
For a search of this annual event, just type in "Halloween Weekend on Mackinac Island."
Hope you had a happy Halloween!
And, hope you have a very happy and blessed Thanksgiving!
Thanks for visiting! Until, Saturday, December 3, 2016, Becky
A few weeks ago, Greg and I met some of our family members at hauntingly (literally!) beautiful Lake Lure, North Carolina.
Lake Lure is a wonderful place for recreational activities such as boating and hiking. Also, you can dine, relax, and just have fun.
And, if you're into the paranormal, there are two places to spend the night that are supposed to be haunted.
One is the "Lodge on Lake Lure." We've never stayed there, but according to some sources, this place is very haunted.
The other haunted inn is "The 1927 Lake Lure Inn & Spa." We've stayed there twice, and we believe it is haunted. The first time we stayed there was last year. I wrote a blog post about it, "The Haunting Lure of a Lake" (7/4/15) which you might want to check out.
The inn doesn't try to hide the fact that it is haunted, as you can see from this newspaper article that is on display in the lobby-
Several people, including workers at the inn, as well as visitors, have seen and heard some very strange things there.
"The (Haunted) 1927 Lake Lure Inn & Spa"
Perhaps the most notable evidence of a ghost is a photo taken during a wedding reception several years ago which shows the ghostly figure of either a man or a boy.
Here's the link to the above-mentioned photo and more info on the two haunted Lake Lure inns which you might find chillingly interesting!-
Also, I want to let you know about a little-known Halloween event that our sister-in-law Cris told us about. It's the "Halloween Weekend on Mackinac Island" at which time there are sales going on at their downtown shops, as well as "epic" costume parties, and "chilling" ghost tours. It looks intriguing and fun! Greg and I are considering going next year.
For a search of this annual event, just type in "Halloween Weekend on Mackinac Island."
Hope you had a happy Halloween!
And, hope you have a very happy and blessed Thanksgiving!
Thanks for visiting! Until, Saturday, December 3, 2016, Becky
Saturday, October 1, 2016
A Haunted B&B, and More
Every month, Greg and I are still amazed by the paranormal activity that we capture on film.
Last month was no exception.
In September, Greg and I took an overnight trip to visit family. Before we left, on the spur of the moment, I decided to take a picture of our large poke plant. When we looked at the photo, we noticed immediately that there was ectoplasm in at least a third of the picture.
Little did we know that this was apparently a little preview of things to come on our trip!
We stayed at a B&B that was a turn-of-the-century Queen Anne's cottage. It was quiet charming, up to a point.
We really loved our stay there although we kept hearing strange noises during the night. I woke up several times to sounds that seemed like they were coming from one corner of our room. Greg heard a weird noise that sounded like it was right behind our heads while we were in bed.
Nothing showed up in photos I had taken inside the old house that night, but the next morning was a different story. Three pictures I had taken outside on the porch had different types of ectoplasm in them.
The best of the three appeared to have a foggy look, plus there was ectoplasm near two old bicycles, there were weird steaks,etc. in the window and in the glass door., and in the lower right-hand corner of the photo was a bright pink color that looked almost like blood running down off the porch.
I showed the photos to the owner who told me that he and one or two others had heard and even seen some paranormal activity there as well. I do believe that to be true!
We've stayed in several B&B's most of our married life, and a few of them have been haunted. Our first one was in St. Augustine which I wrote about in my book, "Photographic Encounters of the Spirit Kind" which is available both on Amazon and Fast Pencil.
So, if you're interested in having a ghostly encounter of your own, might I highly recommend that you spent the night in a B&B, especially one that is rather old! Happy ghostly encounters!
Our sister-in-law Cris told us about two paranormal TV shows she really likes, "Ghost Asylum" and "Haunted Case Files," on "Destination America." We don't currently get that channel, but now, we're thinking about it.
Thanks for visiting! Until Saturday, November 5, 2016, Becky
Every month, Greg and I are still amazed by the paranormal activity that we capture on film.
Last month was no exception.
In September, Greg and I took an overnight trip to visit family. Before we left, on the spur of the moment, I decided to take a picture of our large poke plant. When we looked at the photo, we noticed immediately that there was ectoplasm in at least a third of the picture.
Little did we know that this was apparently a little preview of things to come on our trip!
We stayed at a B&B that was a turn-of-the-century Queen Anne's cottage. It was quiet charming, up to a point.
We really loved our stay there although we kept hearing strange noises during the night. I woke up several times to sounds that seemed like they were coming from one corner of our room. Greg heard a weird noise that sounded like it was right behind our heads while we were in bed.
Nothing showed up in photos I had taken inside the old house that night, but the next morning was a different story. Three pictures I had taken outside on the porch had different types of ectoplasm in them.
The best of the three appeared to have a foggy look, plus there was ectoplasm near two old bicycles, there were weird steaks,etc. in the window and in the glass door., and in the lower right-hand corner of the photo was a bright pink color that looked almost like blood running down off the porch.
Front Porch of Haunted B&B
I showed the photos to the owner who told me that he and one or two others had heard and even seen some paranormal activity there as well. I do believe that to be true!
We've stayed in several B&B's most of our married life, and a few of them have been haunted. Our first one was in St. Augustine which I wrote about in my book, "Photographic Encounters of the Spirit Kind" which is available both on Amazon and Fast Pencil.
So, if you're interested in having a ghostly encounter of your own, might I highly recommend that you spent the night in a B&B, especially one that is rather old! Happy ghostly encounters!
Our sister-in-law Cris told us about two paranormal TV shows she really likes, "Ghost Asylum" and "Haunted Case Files," on "Destination America." We don't currently get that channel, but now, we're thinking about it.
Thanks for visiting! Until Saturday, November 5, 2016, Becky
Saturday, September 3, 2016
A Paranormal Photo, Plus...
I'd just like to share with you a recent photo that I took. I was sitting at a traffic light when I saw and decided to take a quick photo of a pretty flower in a churchyard before the light changed. I'm glad I did, for more reasons than one. I not only have a photo of a pretty flower, but I captured some ectoplasm, as well!
As I mentioned in my book, "Photographic Encounters of the Spirit Kind," spirits, as a rule, tend to be attracted to churches and churchyards. Guess this photo sort of confirms that!
Also, Greg and I recently got an interesting email from a relative, Cris, who is really into the paranormal just like we are.
The email was about Pere Cheney which is believed to be the most haunted place in Michigan. (Cris used to live in Michigan, and this area is only a few minutes away from her family home.) They say that "witches, ghosts, and other strange beings" dwell there. Glowing lights have been spotted in this area, also.
Check out this intriguing story, as well as several other haunted-Michigan tales at . Or, you could type in "John Robinson's Haunted Michigan" to access these true scary stories.
Happy Labor Day!
Thanks for visiting! Until Saturday, October 1, 2016, Becky
I'd just like to share with you a recent photo that I took. I was sitting at a traffic light when I saw and decided to take a quick photo of a pretty flower in a churchyard before the light changed. I'm glad I did, for more reasons than one. I not only have a photo of a pretty flower, but I captured some ectoplasm, as well!
As I mentioned in my book, "Photographic Encounters of the Spirit Kind," spirits, as a rule, tend to be attracted to churches and churchyards. Guess this photo sort of confirms that!
Also, Greg and I recently got an interesting email from a relative, Cris, who is really into the paranormal just like we are.
The email was about Pere Cheney which is believed to be the most haunted place in Michigan. (Cris used to live in Michigan, and this area is only a few minutes away from her family home.) They say that "witches, ghosts, and other strange beings" dwell there. Glowing lights have been spotted in this area, also.
Check out this intriguing story, as well as several other haunted-Michigan tales at . Or, you could type in "John Robinson's Haunted Michigan" to access these true scary stories.
Happy Labor Day!
Thanks for visiting! Until Saturday, October 1, 2016, Becky
Saturday, August 6, 2016
Haunting Music
One day on my way to a shopping center, I saw this man beside the road, playing hauntingly beautiful music on his horn. I was very lucky that day since I'd never seen him before, and I've never seen him since.
Apparently, I'm not the only one to appreciate his talent, as you can see in this photo I took of spirits gathered around him as he played. Pretty music attracts spirits, unlike some of the crummy junk nowadays that's tries to pass as music.
I had no idea that spirits would show up in this photo. I was just taking the picture because it's unusual to see something like this in the town where we live. Also, I was, at the time, preparing to write a blog post about the arts on my other blog, "The Art of Positive Living," and I decided to use a similar photo without the spirits in it.
I'd gone for several weeks, not getting any spirits in my photos, but I believe I captured this one since I'd been meditating for a few days before which helps to make me more psychic. I don't often take the time to meditate, but I really need to, not only to be more psychic, but to help my over-all sense of well-being. Guess I'll just have to make a reminder note to work it into my busy schedule!
Interesting website on psychic phenomena:
My sister-in-law Cris often sends me their online newsletter. (Good stuff!)
Thanks for visiting! Until Saturday, September 3, 2016, Becky
One day on my way to a shopping center, I saw this man beside the road, playing hauntingly beautiful music on his horn. I was very lucky that day since I'd never seen him before, and I've never seen him since.
Apparently, I'm not the only one to appreciate his talent, as you can see in this photo I took of spirits gathered around him as he played. Pretty music attracts spirits, unlike some of the crummy junk nowadays that's tries to pass as music.
I had no idea that spirits would show up in this photo. I was just taking the picture because it's unusual to see something like this in the town where we live. Also, I was, at the time, preparing to write a blog post about the arts on my other blog, "The Art of Positive Living," and I decided to use a similar photo without the spirits in it.
I'd gone for several weeks, not getting any spirits in my photos, but I believe I captured this one since I'd been meditating for a few days before which helps to make me more psychic. I don't often take the time to meditate, but I really need to, not only to be more psychic, but to help my over-all sense of well-being. Guess I'll just have to make a reminder note to work it into my busy schedule!
Interesting website on psychic phenomena:
My sister-in-law Cris often sends me their online newsletter. (Good stuff!)
Thanks for visiting! Until Saturday, September 3, 2016, Becky
Saturday, July 2, 2016
Haunted Homestead Manor
Recently, Greg and I visited an old plantation-style mansion in Thompson's Station, Tennessee, Homestead Manor. It was used as a field hospital during the famous Battle of Thompson's Station during the Civil War, so no wonder it's haunted!
It's now a gourmet restaurant, among other things. While we were dining there, I asked if there had been any strange activity going on in the mansion, and the informative hostess said that waitresses have had such things happen as having their aprons tugged on.
Also, there is one employee who will absolutely not go on the third floor because of the paranormal activity there since that was where many of the surgeries went on during the war.
So, if you'd like to have a little adventure while dining, be sure and check out Homestead Manor in Thompson's Station, Tennessee. Enjoy the delicious food, if you can! Also, ask for a tour of the house which includes the third floor, if you dare!
Thanks for visiting!
Until the first weekend in August, Becky
Recently, Greg and I visited an old plantation-style mansion in Thompson's Station, Tennessee, Homestead Manor. It was used as a field hospital during the famous Battle of Thompson's Station during the Civil War, so no wonder it's haunted!
It's now a gourmet restaurant, among other things. While we were dining there, I asked if there had been any strange activity going on in the mansion, and the informative hostess said that waitresses have had such things happen as having their aprons tugged on.
Also, there is one employee who will absolutely not go on the third floor because of the paranormal activity there since that was where many of the surgeries went on during the war.
Blood permeated the floor boards. Many of the stains are still there. Five hundred types of DNA were found in the stains.
So, if you'd like to have a little adventure while dining, be sure and check out Homestead Manor in Thompson's Station, Tennessee. Enjoy the delicious food, if you can! Also, ask for a tour of the house which includes the third floor, if you dare!
Thanks for visiting!
Until the first weekend in August, Becky
Saturday, June 4, 2016
Spirit Children?
Another month, another spirit photograph!
A couple of weeks ago, Greg and I went on a little trip to Georgia, and while we were there, staying at a B&B, I took a few photos to document our visit. As we were looking over the pictures I'd taken, we were amazed by what we saw. It looked to us like ectoplasm and orbs among the display of old bicycles, tricycles, and a scooter on the grounds of our B&B! (No matter how many paranormal photos Greg and I have taken in the past, it's still a thrill to us whenever we catch spirits on camera.)
We figured that the spirits were probably those of children that were attached to the vehicles before the B&B owners even bought them, or it could be that the spirits in the area of the B&B became attracted to the vehicles after they became part of the display at the B&B.
Anyway, I think you would agree that this photo is definitely in the realm of the paranormal!
Thanks for visiting! Until the first weekend in July, Becky
Another month, another spirit photograph!
A couple of weeks ago, Greg and I went on a little trip to Georgia, and while we were there, staying at a B&B, I took a few photos to document our visit. As we were looking over the pictures I'd taken, we were amazed by what we saw. It looked to us like ectoplasm and orbs among the display of old bicycles, tricycles, and a scooter on the grounds of our B&B! (No matter how many paranormal photos Greg and I have taken in the past, it's still a thrill to us whenever we catch spirits on camera.)
We figured that the spirits were probably those of children that were attached to the vehicles before the B&B owners even bought them, or it could be that the spirits in the area of the B&B became attracted to the vehicles after they became part of the display at the B&B.
Anyway, I think you would agree that this photo is definitely in the realm of the paranormal!
Thanks for visiting! Until the first weekend in July, Becky
Sunday, May 8, 2016
Haunted Columbia, Tennessee
Greg and I don't have to go very far to find a haunted town, because we live in one, Columbia, Tennessee!
Columbia is an old historic town where James K. Polk, the 11th president of the United States, lived for a time.
When we first moved here, we took an interesting "Columbia Ghost Tour," and found out just how haunted Columbia really was, with many stories of strange things that happened to regular folks just like you and me.
For more info about the haunted tour, go to:
And, also, see my previous 8/24/12 "Spirit Photographs" blog post about the Columbia Ghost Tour when we went on it.
Last month, we went to the annual Mule Day parade in Columbia, and were just trying to get some good pictures of the parade, when we got an unexpected bonus in several of our photos, ectoplasm, in the daylight, without any camera flash!
Check out the photos below that Greg and I took-
This photo is one of several that Greg took that had ectoplasm. Notice the lower part of the building behind the girl on the right.
After the parade, we went to a restaurant for lunch, and every picture I took of it was "fogged' over with ectoplasm!
This place must really be haunted! Compare the clarity of Greg's photo to the one I took of the restaurant to see how fuzzy my photo really is.
This restaurant is relatively new, so I don't think it was in existence when we went on the ghost tour. If it isn't mentioned on the tour now, it probably should be!
Come and check out haunted Columbia, Tennessee for yourself sometime. Bet you'll be glad you did if you like the paranormal!
Thanks for visiting! Until the first weekend in June, Becky...
Columbia is an old historic town where James K. Polk, the 11th president of the United States, lived for a time.
When we first moved here, we took an interesting "Columbia Ghost Tour," and found out just how haunted Columbia really was, with many stories of strange things that happened to regular folks just like you and me.
For more info about the haunted tour, go to:
And, also, see my previous 8/24/12 "Spirit Photographs" blog post about the Columbia Ghost Tour when we went on it.
Last month, we went to the annual Mule Day parade in Columbia, and were just trying to get some good pictures of the parade, when we got an unexpected bonus in several of our photos, ectoplasm, in the daylight, without any camera flash!
Check out the photos below that Greg and I took-
This photo is one of several that Greg took that had ectoplasm. Notice the lower part of the building behind the girl on the right.
After the parade, we went to a restaurant for lunch, and every picture I took of it was "fogged' over with ectoplasm!

This place must really be haunted! Compare the clarity of Greg's photo to the one I took of the restaurant to see how fuzzy my photo really is.
This restaurant is relatively new, so I don't think it was in existence when we went on the ghost tour. If it isn't mentioned on the tour now, it probably should be!
Come and check out haunted Columbia, Tennessee for yourself sometime. Bet you'll be glad you did if you like the paranormal!
Thanks for visiting! Until the first weekend in June, Becky...
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
News of the Paranormal Kind
Have I got paranormal news for you!
I'm running a little late with this post, but, hopefully, the paranormal info I have will have been worth your wait!
First of all, I have some Bigfoot news!
"Animal Planet's" "Finding Bigfoot" has moved to a new night. It's now on Thursday nights at 10/9c.
Also, our sister-in-law Betty recently told Greg and me that she got to meet and speak with one of the "Finding Bigfoot" stars Ranae Holland when they were both getting massage muscle therapy in North Carolina one day. The "Finding Bigfoot" team was filming a segment in the Green River Gorge near Hendersonville for a future episode. Ranae felt the need for therapy after hiking and filming there in North Carolina. How lucky was Betty who just happened to be there getting therapy at the same time as Ranae! Betty said she was a nice, friendly person.
Another sister-in-law Cris emailed me something that I didn't know about. It was news from an interesting website, . To quote from the website, it's had "Haunted History, Books, Tours, & Events since 1993." Check it out!
In that same email she sent, it told about one of the most haunted places in Tennessee (my state) the Old South Pittsburg Hospital. To again quote, "Closed down since 1998, this massive facility has become known for the myriad ghostly tales that haunt its halls." They're having an overnight stay there on April 23, "12 hours, overnight, sundown to way out." (Just like they do on "Ghost Adventures"!)
Speaking of "Ghost Adventures," it's now in reruns on Saturdays on the "Travel Channel", before the new Zak Bagans show, "Deadly Possessions" which is on 9/8c. Each episode of "Deadly Possessions" is about three haunted items and their owners. Zak tries to help the people who have these deadly objects. He hopes in the future to have a museum in Las Vegas full of the haunted items he's been collecting for many years.
That's all of the news of the paranormal kind for now. Please let me know if you have any paranormal news to share.
Thanks for visiting! Until Monday, May 2, 2016, Becky
Have I got paranormal news for you!
I'm running a little late with this post, but, hopefully, the paranormal info I have will have been worth your wait!
First of all, I have some Bigfoot news!
A Christmas Gift Greg Received from My Brother Nick and His Wife Lisa
"Animal Planet's" "Finding Bigfoot" has moved to a new night. It's now on Thursday nights at 10/9c.
Also, our sister-in-law Betty recently told Greg and me that she got to meet and speak with one of the "Finding Bigfoot" stars Ranae Holland when they were both getting massage muscle therapy in North Carolina one day. The "Finding Bigfoot" team was filming a segment in the Green River Gorge near Hendersonville for a future episode. Ranae felt the need for therapy after hiking and filming there in North Carolina. How lucky was Betty who just happened to be there getting therapy at the same time as Ranae! Betty said she was a nice, friendly person.
Another sister-in-law Cris emailed me something that I didn't know about. It was news from an interesting website, . To quote from the website, it's had "Haunted History, Books, Tours, & Events since 1993." Check it out!
In that same email she sent, it told about one of the most haunted places in Tennessee (my state) the Old South Pittsburg Hospital. To again quote, "Closed down since 1998, this massive facility has become known for the myriad ghostly tales that haunt its halls." They're having an overnight stay there on April 23, "12 hours, overnight, sundown to way out." (Just like they do on "Ghost Adventures"!)
Speaking of "Ghost Adventures," it's now in reruns on Saturdays on the "Travel Channel", before the new Zak Bagans show, "Deadly Possessions" which is on 9/8c. Each episode of "Deadly Possessions" is about three haunted items and their owners. Zak tries to help the people who have these deadly objects. He hopes in the future to have a museum in Las Vegas full of the haunted items he's been collecting for many years.
That's all of the news of the paranormal kind for now. Please let me know if you have any paranormal news to share.
Thanks for visiting! Until Monday, May 2, 2016, Becky
Monday, March 21, 2016
More Ghostly Goings-on at a Haunted B & B
From now on, "Spirit Photographs" blog posts will be published late morning on Mondays. After today, the posts will be published on the first Monday of each month.
On the 1/4/14 "Spirit Photographs" blog post, "A Haunted B & B?", I told about Greg and me spending the night in a B & B in East Tennessee that was apparently haunted, and I show pictures to prove it!
We've been back there several times since I wrote that post, and nothing else weird has happened, until recently!
In this East Tennessee B & B, where Greg and I were again spending the night, I was awakened by some sort of strange noise in our room. Later, I was again awakened by a rattling sound, like paper was being rattled, twice! It wasn't Greg, because I looked over, and Greg was beside me, sound asleep! The next morning, before we got up, I told Greg about the noises I'd heard, and he told me that he'd also heard some sort of unusual noise before he'd fallen asleep.
We we got up, I found my papers, cloth jewelry holder, and a few pieces of my jewelry which had been on a table at the foot of our bed, turned upside down in a neat stack on the floor. Neither Greg nor I went near this table during the night, so we know that we didn't touch these items.
What caused this strange phenomenon? We're not sure, but we're seriously thinking about spending the night somewhere else whenever we visit that area of East Tennessee again so that we can get a good night's sleep!
My brother, Nick, recently told me about a really good paranormal show that was on "Destination America," "Paranormal Lockdown," which stars Nick Groff who used to be on "Ghost Adventures." Presently, it's on Fridays 10/9C. "Destination America" also features a couple of other paranormal shows, "Mountain Monsters" and "A Haunting." For more information and video clips from these shows, visit .
On the "Weather Channel," Jim Cantore has an interesting show, "Cantore Stories," which features various weather-related stories. Just recently, the show had a paranormal slant, and it featured the skunk ape which is in the Florida Everglades, and The Marfa (ghost) lights in Marfa, Texas. (The Marfa lights is listed as the number one place to visit in Marfa, according to "TripAdvisor." It even got their "Certificate of Excellence"!)
Also, similar to the Marfa lights, Greg reminded me about the Brown Mountain lights which can be seen near Brown Mountain in western North Carolina.
This is fascinating stuff that you might want to check out for yourself on the Internet if you enjoy the paranormal as much as I do!
Thanks for visiting! Until Monday, April 4, 2016, Becky
From now on, "Spirit Photographs" blog posts will be published late morning on Mondays. After today, the posts will be published on the first Monday of each month.
On the 1/4/14 "Spirit Photographs" blog post, "A Haunted B & B?", I told about Greg and me spending the night in a B & B in East Tennessee that was apparently haunted, and I show pictures to prove it!
We've been back there several times since I wrote that post, and nothing else weird has happened, until recently!
In this East Tennessee B & B, where Greg and I were again spending the night, I was awakened by some sort of strange noise in our room. Later, I was again awakened by a rattling sound, like paper was being rattled, twice! It wasn't Greg, because I looked over, and Greg was beside me, sound asleep! The next morning, before we got up, I told Greg about the noises I'd heard, and he told me that he'd also heard some sort of unusual noise before he'd fallen asleep.
This is what I found lying on the floor in a neat stack, upside down.
What caused this strange phenomenon? We're not sure, but we're seriously thinking about spending the night somewhere else whenever we visit that area of East Tennessee again so that we can get a good night's sleep!
My brother, Nick, recently told me about a really good paranormal show that was on "Destination America," "Paranormal Lockdown," which stars Nick Groff who used to be on "Ghost Adventures." Presently, it's on Fridays 10/9C. "Destination America" also features a couple of other paranormal shows, "Mountain Monsters" and "A Haunting." For more information and video clips from these shows, visit .
On the "Weather Channel," Jim Cantore has an interesting show, "Cantore Stories," which features various weather-related stories. Just recently, the show had a paranormal slant, and it featured the skunk ape which is in the Florida Everglades, and The Marfa (ghost) lights in Marfa, Texas. (The Marfa lights is listed as the number one place to visit in Marfa, according to "TripAdvisor." It even got their "Certificate of Excellence"!)
Also, similar to the Marfa lights, Greg reminded me about the Brown Mountain lights which can be seen near Brown Mountain in western North Carolina.
This is fascinating stuff that you might want to check out for yourself on the Internet if you enjoy the paranormal as much as I do!
Thanks for visiting! Until Monday, April 4, 2016, Becky
Saturday, February 6, 2016
Personal Paranormal News
In this monthly blog post, I want to give you my personal paranormal news on what has been going on in my life these past few weeks.
As far as taking any photographs of spirits, there have been none, probably because I take most of my pictures using existing light for my photography business, and to get good spirit photos, you most often need to use a flash. I'm sure this is just a lull, and I'll get more spirit photos in the future. I can always just use my flash a little more often.
All has been quiet in our house, which is nice for a change, because it's a little unnerving to try to go to sleep at night when strange noises are coming from your chest of drawers!
I recently contacted a neighbor who had a household disaster a few weeks ago, and I asked her how things were going, and offered to help, and told her I hoped the disaster wasn't because of us. She laughed and graciously said it was not us. I felt relieved when she said that.
The reason I asked her that question was because a couple of years ago, we found out that she was very psychic, and we asked her to come to our house to check out any entities that we thought might be here. She toured our house not long after we moved in, and she said that several spirits were in our home.
Several months later, she told us that after she'd been to our house, that a couple of spirits had attached themselves to her, and that she had a hard time getting rid of them. She hasn't been near our house since then. We can totally understand why! (I was afraid when I recently called her that spirits from our our house might have caused their disaster. Thankfully, that was not the case!)
Greg and I are looking forward to a visit from another psychic in the spring. This is a psychic that I've talked to several times on the phone, to have psychic readings, but I've never met her in person before.
A few days ago, she called me out of the blue, and said she'd be visiting a relative in our area in the spring (The psychic lives several hundred miles away, in another state.), and would love to meet Greg and me. I was thrilled, because I've long admired her psychic abilities, and besides that, she seems like a really nice person.
She was with one of the top psychic hotlines in the world until recently. She is very talented; she is clairvoyant, clairaudient, and clairsentient. Besides that, she's a gifted medium. (Wow! That is very impressive! You can't be any more psychic than that!) She was especially helpful to me when my mother passed away a few months ago.
When she comes to visit, we're going to her relative's popular restaurant, and she's also coming by our house to do a reading. We're really looking forward to this! This sounds like it would make a great blog post, for both of my blogs,"Spirit Photographs" and "The Art of Positive Living!"
Speaking of mediums, there's a really neat reality show on TLC Sunday nights, 9/8C, "Long Island Medium," starring medium Theresa Caputro who brings humor to a serious subject. Check it out, if you haven't already!
I'm a little upset that one of my favorite TV shows of all time, "Finding Bigfoot" won't be on this week due to a special program, but hopefully it will return next Sunday night on "Animal Planet." Of course, I can always catch videos of the show on the "Animal Planet" website.
Important note: "Spirit Photographs" blog posts will be published on Mondays (late morning) from now on, starting on Monday, March 21, 2016. Thereafter, the posts will be published on the first Monday of each month.
Thanks for visiting! Until Monday, March 21, 2016, Becky
In this monthly blog post, I want to give you my personal paranormal news on what has been going on in my life these past few weeks.
As far as taking any photographs of spirits, there have been none, probably because I take most of my pictures using existing light for my photography business, and to get good spirit photos, you most often need to use a flash. I'm sure this is just a lull, and I'll get more spirit photos in the future. I can always just use my flash a little more often.
All has been quiet in our house, which is nice for a change, because it's a little unnerving to try to go to sleep at night when strange noises are coming from your chest of drawers!
I recently contacted a neighbor who had a household disaster a few weeks ago, and I asked her how things were going, and offered to help, and told her I hoped the disaster wasn't because of us. She laughed and graciously said it was not us. I felt relieved when she said that.
The reason I asked her that question was because a couple of years ago, we found out that she was very psychic, and we asked her to come to our house to check out any entities that we thought might be here. She toured our house not long after we moved in, and she said that several spirits were in our home.
Our House, Right After We Bought It
Several months later, she told us that after she'd been to our house, that a couple of spirits had attached themselves to her, and that she had a hard time getting rid of them. She hasn't been near our house since then. We can totally understand why! (I was afraid when I recently called her that spirits from our our house might have caused their disaster. Thankfully, that was not the case!)
Greg and I are looking forward to a visit from another psychic in the spring. This is a psychic that I've talked to several times on the phone, to have psychic readings, but I've never met her in person before.
A few days ago, she called me out of the blue, and said she'd be visiting a relative in our area in the spring (The psychic lives several hundred miles away, in another state.), and would love to meet Greg and me. I was thrilled, because I've long admired her psychic abilities, and besides that, she seems like a really nice person.
She was with one of the top psychic hotlines in the world until recently. She is very talented; she is clairvoyant, clairaudient, and clairsentient. Besides that, she's a gifted medium. (Wow! That is very impressive! You can't be any more psychic than that!) She was especially helpful to me when my mother passed away a few months ago.
When she comes to visit, we're going to her relative's popular restaurant, and she's also coming by our house to do a reading. We're really looking forward to this! This sounds like it would make a great blog post, for both of my blogs,"Spirit Photographs" and "The Art of Positive Living!"
Speaking of mediums, there's a really neat reality show on TLC Sunday nights, 9/8C, "Long Island Medium," starring medium Theresa Caputro who brings humor to a serious subject. Check it out, if you haven't already!
I'm a little upset that one of my favorite TV shows of all time, "Finding Bigfoot" won't be on this week due to a special program, but hopefully it will return next Sunday night on "Animal Planet." Of course, I can always catch videos of the show on the "Animal Planet" website.
Important note: "Spirit Photographs" blog posts will be published on Mondays (late morning) from now on, starting on Monday, March 21, 2016. Thereafter, the posts will be published on the first Monday of each month.
Thanks for visiting! Until Monday, March 21, 2016, Becky
Saturday, January 2, 2016
Paranormal News from "Spirit Photographs"
Welcome, and happy New Year!
Today, I'd like to start the new year right with some paranormal news from this blog, "Spirit Photographs."
I hope you had a very merry Christmas.
Below is a photo that someone took of us while we were celebrating the holiday in Nashville.
Notice how blurred Greg and I look, especially Greg's face. It looks as though at least one spirit was having his or her picture taken, too! The amateur photographer who took this photo probably isn't even aware that he's psychic enough to take a spirit photograph!
We really enjoyed "The Twilight Zone" New Year's marathon on Syfy the past few days. We have a DVD with several episodes, but I'd like to have the complete series of 156 episodes which you can get on DVD on Amazon for around $150.00. (I'm saving up my pennies!) Over fifty years later, this quality show is still a favorite of those of us who love the paranormal.
Another quality show, in my opinion, is "Finding Bigfoot" on "Animal Planet." Greg and I can really relate to that show after our scary experience in West Tennessee which I describe in my 9/5/14 and 9/13/14 "Spirit Photographs" blog posts.
The season premier of "Finding Bigfoot" is tomorrow (Sunday, January 3, 2016) at 9/8C. Look for reruns earlier in the day.
A show that my brother recommends is "Ghost Asylum" which is on "Destination America." There are some full episodes you can watch on the Internet if you don't get that channel.
An intriguing book I'm planning to buy is "Do Dead People Watch You Shower?" by Concetta Bertoldi which answers questions that many of us would like to know about the spirit world.
Thanks for visiting! Until Saturday, February 6, 2016, or sooner!, Becky
Today, I'd like to start the new year right with some paranormal news from this blog, "Spirit Photographs."
I hope you had a very merry Christmas.
Below is a photo that someone took of us while we were celebrating the holiday in Nashville.
Notice how blurred Greg and I look, especially Greg's face. It looks as though at least one spirit was having his or her picture taken, too! The amateur photographer who took this photo probably isn't even aware that he's psychic enough to take a spirit photograph!
We really enjoyed "The Twilight Zone" New Year's marathon on Syfy the past few days. We have a DVD with several episodes, but I'd like to have the complete series of 156 episodes which you can get on DVD on Amazon for around $150.00. (I'm saving up my pennies!) Over fifty years later, this quality show is still a favorite of those of us who love the paranormal.
Another quality show, in my opinion, is "Finding Bigfoot" on "Animal Planet." Greg and I can really relate to that show after our scary experience in West Tennessee which I describe in my 9/5/14 and 9/13/14 "Spirit Photographs" blog posts.
The season premier of "Finding Bigfoot" is tomorrow (Sunday, January 3, 2016) at 9/8C. Look for reruns earlier in the day.
A show that my brother recommends is "Ghost Asylum" which is on "Destination America." There are some full episodes you can watch on the Internet if you don't get that channel.
An intriguing book I'm planning to buy is "Do Dead People Watch You Shower?" by Concetta Bertoldi which answers questions that many of us would like to know about the spirit world.
Thanks for visiting! Until Saturday, February 6, 2016, or sooner!, Becky
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