Saturday, November 19, 2022

Eerie Photograph!


I have a really eerie photograph to share with you in this post today! 

I was wondering a few days ago what to put on today's blog post since nothing significant had shown up since my last blog post which I published last month. 

Then, earlier this week, around evening, I happened to look out our back door, and to my amazement, I saw our neighbor's sheep on our property. He usually keeps them on his farm, but this time they escaped, and they seemed to enjoy eating our nice green grass.

Although it was misting rain, I grabbed my camera and ran out onto our deck to try to get some pictures of the sheep since I love taking pictures of animals.

 All I did to this photo was lighten it up and clarify it a bit, and I added my watermark. 

I didn't even notice the long streak of light midway in the picture until I put it on the computer. The streak seems to go from left to right, and there is more of it in front of the tree trunk. A few sheep are blurred because they are moving fast, but the streak of light doesn't seem to have anything to do with the sheep.

I believe this streak is ectoplasm. The misty rain must have made the conditions just right for a spirit or even several spirits to manifest. (This is not fog.) I guess the spirits were attracted to the sheep. These spirits could be either human spirits or even animals, maybe even other sheep who have passed on.

I have a lot more (over 100!) spirit photographs in my book on Amazon, entitled "Photographic Encounters of the Spirit Kind" by Becky Arnott that you might enjoy. It has paranormal photographs that my husband, brother, and I took that not only have ectoplasm, but orbs, vortexes, shadow ghosts, and even see-through ghosts! For more information about my book on Amazon, just click on the widget above.

Happy Thanksgiving!

 Thanks for visiting! Until Saturday, December 17, 2022, Becky