Sunday, March 16, 2025

"Unexpected Spirit Guests!"


A few weeks ago, several of us celebrated my birthday at our house, and we had a wonderful time. All of our positive energy seems to have attracted more guests than we had expected.

My brother Nick took this picture (below) of Greg and me after Greg had brought in my birthday cupcakes. 

This photo shows that we had some unexpected spirit guests! The more, the merrier!

I'm not totally surprised by the orbs and ectoplasm behind me, on the wall, and even in the chair beside me! I can't wait to talk to my psychic so that she can let me know who these spirits are, but I think I have a good idea! I need to talk with her anyway about the photos in the last few blog posts that I've written, and also about some other photos I've taken in just the last few days, one of which is very unusual, totally unexpected!

I'm currently writing a new book about our area which should be published in the next couple of months, and one of the chapters will just pertain to the paranormal aspects of our area

I'll let you know more about my new book later.

My brother, taking this paranormal picture, is no surprise to me since he took his first paranormal picture when he was just a schoolboy. The picture he took was of the outside of famous June Tolliver House in Big Stone Gap, Virginia. When we got the pictures back, we noticed that there was a strange figure in the window. 

If you'd like to know more about this photograph, the haunted June Tolliver House, etc., you might want to check out some interesting videos on YouTube. A few months ago, a team of ghost hunters, the Eastern Ky. Ghost Squad, went to the Tolliver House, and did a paranormal investigation.

To see these, go to YouTube and type in "June Tolliver House Ghost." Then scroll down to "Tour and History of the June Tolliver House: Pre-Investigation." This video is really good to set the stage for the other videos that are of the actual investigation. Toward the first of this video, there is a newspaper article from our local "Bristol Herald Courier" that shows a picture of the June Tolliver House with the ghost in the window. I wrote that article about my brother taking the ghost picture.

Later in the video, the tour guide mentions that I wrote a book about the paranormal, "Photographic Encounters of the Spirit Kind," which they have for sale in the Tolliver House gift shop. (To buy the Kindle version of my book, it's for sale on Amazon. If you are interested, just click on the widget above.)

The other two videos of the investigation itself are "Paranormal Investigation Pt. 1" and "Paranormal Investigation Pt. 2. Final." 

My book has over 100 paranormal photographs that my brother Nick, my husband Greg, and I have taken throughout the years, mostly in our Southern Appalachian area. Nick and I seemed to have inherited our our ability to take paranormal photographs mostly from our father, and, of course, Greg and I are only related by marriage, but he has the same gift, as well. It must be because we are soulmates! (And, we think at least one of his parents has this same ability.)

Thanks for visiting! Until around Saturday, April 19, 2025, Becky 

Sunday, February 16, 2025

"Two New Spirit Photographs"


I've got two new spirit photographs to show you. One is similar to those I've shown a couple of times before.

It's a picture of an old rustic shed that I photograph nearly every time we go by there. I'm fascinated by the shed because ectoplasm shows up in almost all of the pictures I take of it.

Last week was no exception. I take a picture through our car windshield because there is no place to stop on that road, especially not on the big curve that is near the shed

Here is my latest shed photograph-

When I first saw this photo in my camera, I wondered if there was anything paranormal about it. However, I knew that I would have to put it on our home computer before I could tell anything about it. I had to enlarge it, and when I did, I saw quite a bit of ectoplasm near a pole on the property.

Here is a much closer view which shows the obvious ectoplasm-

The ectoplasm shows up well against the dark background.

For a comparison of the different paranormal photographs I have taken of the old shed, you might want to check out two of my previous blog posts, one of which I published on Sunday, August 18, 2024 entitled "Paranormal Book," and the other one was "More Ectoplasm!," published on Saturday, January 18, 2025.

If you do compare them, you'll notice that the ectoplasm is never the same in any of  the photographs.

We drive by there every week when we take our trash to the dump which is about half a mile from the shed.

At the dump, I sometimes take pictures of the beautiful scenery since there is a really nice view from there.

Last week, however, I saw a cat there, and since I love animals, especially cats, and since this one reminded me of a cat that we used to have, I decided to take its picture-

Since I had to hurriedly take the picture, it didn't turn out very well, but upon closer examination of the photo, it was obviously paranormal. This was totally unexpected!

I usually don't take a picture of something to see if it will turn out to be paranormal (except for something special like the old shed), so I'm usually very surprised when I see something like this cat-at-the-dump photo.

Besides the obvious ectoplasm at the bottom of the trash bin on the right, the whole picture looks washed out! (Compare this photo to the photo of the shed which I had taken only five to ten minutes earlier.)

I really don't know what to think about the ectoplasm near the rustic shed, or at the dump, but I do know who to ask, a really good psychic that I often consult about puzzling things such as these.

What do you think about the ectoplasm in these spirit photographs?

Please check back with me next month when I should have some intriguing answers for you!

Thanks for visiting! Until around Saturday, March 15, 2025, Becky

Saturday, January 18, 2025

"More Ectoplasm!"


I hope your new year is going great!

I've been so busy with projects for the past few weeks, that even though I've taken a lot of pictures, I'm not getting many paranormal ones. Also, I've been having some sinus problems, but thankfully, I'm better than I was. My point is, that in order to take paranormal photographs, I believe you need to be in good shape, both physically and mentally, just like you really need to be in good shape to accomplish most things in life.

I'm seriously working on resting more and taking better care of myself as my most important new year's resolution.

We'll see how that goes. Who knows? I might just have enough paranormal photographs soon to add to a new paranormal book that I could write in the near future!

Anyway, I do have one photograph to share with you that I took a few weeks ago-

If this photo looks familiar, it may be because I featured this very shed in my August 18, 2024 blog post entitled, "Paranormal Book."

This old building fascinates me because it's so picturesque. It's on a country road in a rural area in Southwest Virginia. We often travel that road, and most of the time, as we drive by, I try to take a picture of it for an upcoming book that I'm writing about our Southern Appalachian area. I'll feature the best picture that I take of it in the book.

The reason that I'm featuring it in this blog post, is that, as you might guess, there is something paranormal about it just as there was in the photograph that I featured of it in the August blog post. Do you see what it is?

Here's a close-up of the photo-

There is ectoplasm to the left of this building, in the foreground, and also, on the fence railing above.

Yes, there is more ectoplasm, again generally in the same area as it was in the August photo.

When Greg looked at this picture, he wondered if that was a tombstone in the background. If so, that might help explain the ectoplasm!

Please stay tuned as we do further research!

If you haven't seen my paranormal Kindle book on Amazon, "Photographic Encounters of the Spirit Kind," you might want to check it out by clicking the widget above.

Thanks for visiting! Until around Saturday, February 15, 2025, Becky

Friday, December 27, 2024

"A Christmastime Paranormal Incident"


For the past few weeks I have had very persistent sinus/throat congestion. This is unusual for me, because I hardly ever have anything like this. I don't like to take medicine, so I do natural healing methods. I take herbs and vitamins, and I make my own home remedies.

One day, about a week ago, I noticed something unusual as I went through our memorabilia room. I noticed that part of one of our displays had moved a few inches from the wall, toward the edge of the table it was on. I couldn't understand why it had moved since nothing like that had ever happened before in the two or three years that the display had been there.

I started analyzing the situation, and I decided that the painting that my grandmother had painted of my grandfather's old homeplace had somehow moved and had pushed some things that were in front of it.

 The photographs in the lower corners of the painting are of portraits that my father had done of my grandparents. 

The framed painting had pushed some brochures, a family calendar, and an old pill box with a letter underneath it.

The pill box contained a very old pill that was sent to me last Christmas, along with a letter from my childhood friend, Susie, who had known my grandparents when she was growing up. It was a leftover pill of several that my grandfather, an eye, ear, nose, and throat specialist, had given Susie's grandmother years ago to heal her of some ailment.

I decided that the things on display had moved for a reason, to get my attention. I feel like my grandfather, who is in spirit, was trying to tell me that I really needed to take some medicine, to help me heal from my persistent illness. I also decided that if I don't improve in a few more days, I would seriously consider trying some medicine.

Also, coincidentally, the very next day, after this strange incident, I received another Christmas card from my childhood friend, Susie.

I consider all of this to be a Christmastime paranormal incident.

Thank you, Giggy, for trying to heal me from the spirit world, and thank you, Susie, for being such a thoughtful friend.

Happy New Year!

Thanks for visiting! Until around Saturday, January 18, 2025!, Becky

Saturday, November 16, 2024



I guess you've probably heard that "A picture is worth a thousand words." (Frederick R. Barnard)

I couldn't describe today's "Spirit Photographs" blog post picture any better myself!

So, here's the photograph that I recently took that I don't think needs much explanation-

I've hardly ever seen that much ectoplasm in any of the other pictures that I've taken. The sun is helping it to manifest. The ectoplasm is up high, on the porch, and even on the ground. This building must be really haunted!

The reason I took this photo is because I'm writing a book on the Southern Appalachian Mountains, and in one chapter, I am going to show how some of our old houses have been converted into businesses. This is not a very good picture from a photography standpoint, but looking at it paranormally, I guess it turned out pretty well!

Also, because of this very photo, I decided to include a chapter about the paranormal in my new book. I could call the chapter, "Haunted Appalachia!" The book should be ready for publishing in a few weeks.

I'll feature it on my blogs when it's published. It will be available for sale on Amazon in both the paperback and Kindle versions.

 I already have a paranormal Kindle book on Amazon, "Photographic Encounters of  the Spirit Kind," which is about haunted places from Appalachia to Europe that you might find interesting. The photos were mostly taken by me, my husband, Greg, and my brother, Nick.

For more information, please click the widget above.

Also, wishing you a happy, blessed Thanksgiving!

Thanks for visiting! Until around Saturday, December 21, 2024, Becky

Saturday, October 19, 2024

"A Haunted House, Revisited, and UFO's"


In my May 20, 2023 blog post, "A Haunted House," I told about an old, unoccupied house in Abingdon, Virginia that apparently was haunted.

A couple of weeks ago, Greg and I drove by the same house, and I took another quick picture just to remind myself to go back by later when we had more time so I could take more pictures for a new book that I'm writing.

Old Haunted House

When I put this picture on our computer, I noticed a few strange things about it. I should have known that my latest photograph of this old house would also show signs that the place was still haunted!

Unmistakably, there was ectoplasm on the tree on the right (which I noticed first). Upon closer examination, I also noticed ectoplasm on the garage roof, on the bush which is on the right side of the house, and, to the right of the bush, there is also a relatively large amount of ectoplasm on the ground. Actually, in addition to the house being haunted, we must conclude that the land around it is also haunted, just like it was in the previous blog post about this house.

Someone has recently been working on the house and yard, and I imagine that this activity has probably activated the spirits even more.

I don't know what's to become of this house, but if someone buys it, they will either live in it or use it as a business since it has been used as both previously. The new owners will probably be in for a big surprise!

I was recently talking to a woman that I know, and she told me about an experience that she and her mother had one day when they were looking out of their kitchen window. Shockingly, they saw a UFO! Not something you'd normally expect to see when you're looking out of your window!

Another person we know, a man, said that he and a co-worker were briefly outside, and when they looked up, they saw a white peanut-shaped UFO that turned into a triangular-shaped one, and simply disappeared! The whole episode lasted about five minutes. One of the stunned men said that he had never previously believed in UFO's, but that he was a believer now!

Unfortunately, none of the above people got to take any pictures. The first thing that would occur to me would be to take pictures since I am so wrapped up in photography. If anything seems unusual, or out of the ordinary, etc., I always grab my camera. However, at the same time, I can still understand why they wouldn't take any pictures, since seeing something like a UFO would be pretty shocking!

There was a UFO festival held earlier this year in Wytheville, Virginia. It's called Wytheville UFO Fest. We didn't get to go to the one this year, but if there is a festival next year, we plan to be there. If I find out something about next year's UFO festival, you'll be the first to know!

Thanks for visiting! Until Saturday, November 16, 2024, Becky


Monday, September 23, 2024

"A Haunted Tourist Information Center!"


I'm working on a new book, so Greg and I recently stopped by a nearby tourist information center in Southwest Virginia to do some research. While there, we decided to take some pictures.

I took a few photographs while we were outside-

Tourist Information Center

I photographed the fall decorations, and I was surprised to later discover ectoplasm in this photograph-

The photo (above) is a detail from a picture I took of  one of the Virginia "Love" signs that are scattered throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia. Notice the ectoplasm between the fall figure's leg and the yellow flowers. There appears to be even more ectoplasm on the ground.

(In an earlier blog post that I wrote on Saturday, December 18, 2021, entitled "Haunted Gatlinburg, Tennessee," I wrote about similar cartoon-like figures that had quite a bit of ectoplasm around them. I feel like spirits are attracted to these types of figures because they miss having a body.) 

We finally went into this old house that had the tourist information, as well as nice displays of the area. We talked with the lady that worked there (whose name was Shannon), and got her permission to take pictures inside.

I started to take a picture of one of the rooms, but my camera hesitated, and the image looked blurred through the lens. I turned around and asked Shannon if the house was haunted, and I wasn't at all surprised when she said that it was.

(I finally took a picture of that room, but nothing paranormal showed up-

My camera did malfunction in this room earlier so I know that it is haunted, probably because of all of the old pictures and other objects in there.)

Shannon then began to tell me the things that she had seen, like objects that had been moved around during the night while no one was there. She said that she had heard strange things, as well.

Also, three cats live in the house, and Shannon said that they often act as if they see things that she can't see. (Cats, and other animals, too, as a rule, often see things that are paranormal since they are apparently more psychic than most people are.)

One of the Three Resident Cats

When we were about ready to leave, we decided to take pictures of a couple of old mirrors. While we didn't get anything in one mirror, we did get something in this one-

The white streaks at the top of the photo look like they are part of a paranormal grid which is a pretty common phenomenon in paranormal photography. Greg's photo was very similar to mine.

As we were leaving, we suggested that Shannon try taking some pictures herself to see if she could get anything paranormal like we did, since we believed that she was psychic, too. We told her her that she needed to use the flash if she was hoping to get paranormal images in mirrors.

While Greg and I were there at the tourist info center just to do research for a book, we ended up with more than we had bargained for, an old haunted house, and there are a lot more of those than you could ever imagine!

Thanks for visiting! Until around Saturday, October 19, 2024, Becky