A few weeks ago, several of us celebrated my birthday at our house, and we had a wonderful time. All of our positive energy seems to have attracted more guests than we had expected.
My brother Nick took this picture (below) of Greg and me after Greg had brought in my birthday cupcakes.
This photo shows that we had some unexpected spirit guests! The more, the merrier!
I'm not totally surprised by the orbs and ectoplasm behind me, on the wall, and even in the chair beside me! I can't wait to talk to my psychic so that she can let me know who these spirits are, but I think I have a good idea! I need to talk with her anyway about the photos in the last few blog posts that I've written, and also about some other photos I've taken in just the last few days, one of which is very unusual, totally unexpected!
I'm currently writing a new book about our area which should be published in the next couple of months, and one of the chapters will just pertain to the paranormal aspects of our area
I'll let you know more about my new book later.
My brother, taking this paranormal picture, is no surprise to me since he took his first paranormal picture when he was just a schoolboy. The picture he took was of the outside of famous June Tolliver House in Big Stone Gap, Virginia. When we got the pictures back, we noticed that there was a strange figure in the window.
If you'd like to know more about this photograph, the haunted June Tolliver House, etc., you might want to check out some interesting videos on YouTube. A few months ago, a team of ghost hunters, the Eastern Ky. Ghost Squad, went to the Tolliver House, and did a paranormal investigation.
To see these, go to YouTube and type in "June Tolliver House Ghost." Then scroll down to "Tour and History of the June Tolliver House: Pre-Investigation." This video is really good to set the stage for the other videos that are of the actual investigation. Toward the first of this video, there is a newspaper article from our local "Bristol Herald Courier" that shows a picture of the June Tolliver House with the ghost in the window. I wrote that article about my brother taking the ghost picture.
Later in the video, the tour guide mentions that I wrote a book about the paranormal, "Photographic Encounters of the Spirit Kind," which they have for sale in the Tolliver House gift shop. (To buy the Kindle version of my book, it's for sale on Amazon. If you are interested, just click on the widget above.)
The other two videos of the investigation itself are "Paranormal Investigation Pt. 1" and "Paranormal Investigation Pt. 2. Final."
My book has over 100 paranormal photographs that my brother Nick, my husband Greg, and I have taken throughout the years, mostly in our Southern Appalachian area. Nick and I seemed to have inherited our our ability to take paranormal photographs mostly from our father, and, of course, Greg and I are only related by marriage, but he has the same gift, as well. It must be because we are soulmates! (And, we think at least one of his parents has this same ability.)
Thanks for visiting! Until around Saturday, April 19, 2025, Becky