Monday, September 23, 2024

"A Haunted Tourist Information Center!"


I'm working on a new book, so Greg and I recently stopped by a nearby tourist information center in Southwest Virginia to do some research. While there, we decided to take some pictures.

I took a few photographs while we were outside-

Tourist Information Center

I photographed the fall decorations, and I was surprised to later discover ectoplasm in this photograph-

The photo (above) is a detail from a picture I took of  one of the Virginia "Love" signs that are scattered throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia. Notice the ectoplasm between the fall figure's leg and the yellow flowers. There appears to be even more ectoplasm on the ground.

(In an earlier blog post that I wrote on Saturday, December 18, 2021, entitled "Haunted Gatlinburg, Tennessee," I wrote about similar cartoon-like figures that had quite a bit of ectoplasm around them. I feel like spirits are attracted to these types of figures because they miss having a body.) 

We finally went into this old house that had the tourist information, as well as nice displays of the area. We talked with the lady that worked there (whose name was Shannon), and got her permission to take pictures inside.

I started to take a picture of one of the rooms, but my camera hesitated, and the image looked blurred through the lens. I turned around and asked Shannon if the house was haunted, and I wasn't at all surprised when she said that it was.

(I finally took a picture of that room, but nothing paranormal showed up-

My camera did malfunction in this room earlier so I know that it is haunted, probably because of all of the old pictures and other objects in there.)

Shannon then began to tell me the things that she had seen, like objects that had been moved around during the night while no one was there. She said that she had heard strange things, as well.

Also, three cats live in the house, and Shannon said that they often act as if they see things that she can't see. (Cats, and other animals, too, as a rule, often see things that are paranormal since they are apparently more psychic than most people are.)

One of the Three Resident Cats

When we were about ready to leave, we decided to take pictures of a couple of old mirrors. While we didn't get anything in one mirror, we did get something in this one-

The white streaks at the top of the photo look like they are part of a paranormal grid which is a pretty common phenomenon in paranormal photography. Greg's photo was very similar to mine.

As we were leaving, we suggested that Shannon try taking some pictures herself to see if she could get anything paranormal like we did, since we believed that she was psychic, too. We told her her that she needed to use the flash if she was hoping to get paranormal images in mirrors.

While Greg and I were there at the tourist info center just to do research for a book, we ended up with more than we had bargained for, an old haunted house, and there are a lot more of those than you could ever imagine!

Thanks for visiting! Until around Saturday, October 19, 2024, Becky

Sunday, August 18, 2024

"Paranormal Book"


Greg and I recently went to a local writers fair, and I told another author about my book, "Photographic Encounters of the Spirit Kind." I explained what the book was about since she was really curious and intrigued about Greg's and my ability to take pictures of the paranormal.

I told her that we didn't see spirits before we took pictures, and that most of the time, we don't intend to take paranormal photographs. Instead, the spirits just show up in our photos when we least expect them.

For example, a few days ago, I was taking pictures for a new book that I am writing about the picturesque area in which we live, never intending to get anything paranormal, when I noticed that something paranormal did show up!- 

Notice the large balls of ectoplasm or orbs to the left of the old building. They show up really well against the dark foliage.

This ectoplasm could be the spirits of either people or animals that died recently, or they may have been in this area for many years, or even for centuries! What types of animals, or humans were these? If they were the spirits of people, were they perhaps those of cave men, Native Americans, or pioneers?

What caused this paranormal phenomenon? I can only make an educated guess since I'm good at taking paranormal pictures, but I have no idea how to interpret them.

I leave the interpretation of paranormal phenomena to the experts, genuine psychics who specialize in these things.

In my paranormal book, "Photographic Encounters of the Spirit Kind Ordinary People, Extraordinary Encounters," I was fortunate enough to have a gifted psychic, Elaine Watson, who is now deceased, to explain most of the (Over 100!) photographs in my book that Greg, my brother, Nick, and I took.

A few of the intriguing chapters in the book are, "Unusual Ectoplasm," "Shadow Ghosts," and "My Childhood Home," as well as others.

The Kindle version of my book is now on Amazon. For more information, please see the widget above for more details.

Thanks for visiting! Until around Saturday, September 21, 2024, Becky

Sunday, July 21, 2024

"Paranormal Photographs"


In this blog post today, I have a few unusual photographs that I'd like to share with you. In fact, these photographs are either paranormal themselves, or they have some paranormal connection to them.

First of all, I have a photo that I featured in a blog post several years ago of an angel statue.

An incident with the statue happened when we lived in another state, and when we moved, we brought the statue with us. I'm keeping it for sentimental reasons, even though it is in need of repair. In my earlier post, I tell how the statue appeared to have moved by itself! I contacted a psychic about it, and what she told me was amazing! See my previous post, entitled "Spirit Communications" which was published on 10/5/15 for more intriguing information about this statue.

Here's another intriguing photograph I took a few weeks ago when we were at a park on the Greenbelt in Kingsport, Tennessee-

Notice anything unusual about the foreground of this photo? See any ectoplasm?

Many times when I am taking pictures of this area, I get ectoplasm in my photographs. I consulted a psychic about this phenomenon, and she said that this whole area was enchanted! In some of my previous photos, my pictures of the river look like nothing but ectoplasm!

In fact, I have so many paranormal photos of so many different things since I wrote my first book, "Photographic Encounters of the Spirit Kind," that I'm thinking about writing a second book about the paranormal. (Please see the widget above for more information about the Kindle version of my current paranormal book on Amazon.)

Finally, I have two photographs about something unusual that Greg and I are still wondering about-

This is a photographic recreation of what happened yesterday.

I had put our dirty towels in the washing machine, and while I was working in our nearby kitchen, I heard the machine going really fast, shaking things in the laundry room, to the point that it sounded like the two clean baskets on the adjacent dryer had fallen on the floor. I rushed in there to see what had happened, when to my surprise, I noticed that the larger basket was still on the dryer. Somehow, though, the smaller basket had ended right-side up in the dirty clothes basket which was already on the floor. Now, how could that have possibly happened!

Was that paranormal, or what? So weird! This incident seems to have defied the law of physics! Guess I'll have to consult my favorite psychic about this one!

What do you think?

Please stay tuned!

Thanks for visiting! Until sometime shortly after Saturday, August 17, 2024, Becky

Saturday, June 15, 2024

"Strange, Paranormal, Unexplained"


 In this blog post, I'm going to touch on a few things that are strange, even paranormal.

There are so many things in this world that are unexplained, things that we just don't quite understand.

Here are some unusual things that have come to my attention in just the past few weeks-

~Yesterday, I happened to think about an old mirror that is in our memorabilia room, and I began wondering if it was haunted like the one I wrote about in my last blog post which was published on May 19, 2024 that was entitled, "A Haunted Mirror!"

Today, I took a picture of the old mirror in the memorabilia room...

but Greg and I can't say for sure that it is haunted. There is no paranormal grid like in the mirror in last month's blog post, but the white streaks, the mirror in the above photograph could be ectoplasm, or they could even be caused by the camera flash. I have found that in order to capture anything paranormal in a mirror, the flash needs to be on. 

If this mirror were haunted by some negative entity, it would be unfortunate since the mirror is on a cabinet that is attached to the wall. That would make it difficult to remove the mirror. Of course, as an alternative, we could just say a prayer and do a ritual to hopefully get rid of any bad spirits. So far, though, we haven't noticed anything negative because of this mirror, thank goodness! 

A really strange thing happened just a few days ago when I was looking in the kitchen for something to show Greg. When I opened one of the doors of our island, which I don't open very often, I couldn't believe it when I found a box of prescription medicine on top of some old cookbooks that I had stored in there.

The medicine was not ours since we don't take medicine anymore. It had belonged to the previous owner of our house, and in the five years that we have lived here, we have never even seen this box of medicine before. How did it suddenly end up on top of my old cookbook collection?

(The owner's name, etc. is on the other side of this box, but for privacy's sake, I, of course, can't show it.)

This is very strange!  This is something to ask our favorite psychic about whenever I talk with her again! Her comments about it should be very interesting!

Also, here is an interesting tidbit- Not long ago, on "Coast to Coast AM," there was a story about Hulk Hogan, the wrestling great, who said that his rival had sent him a voicemail two days after he had died!

For lots more about the paranormal, be sure and check out my Kindle book, "Photographic Encounters of the Spirit Kind." Please see the widget above for more information.

Thanks for visiting! Until around July 20, 2024, Becky

Sunday, May 19, 2024

"A Haunted Mirror!"


A few days ago, I was straightening up one of our storage buildings, when I came across an old family heirloom, a mirror, which had belonged to my grandparents. That mirror wasn't just an ordinary mirror since whenever Greg or I took a picture of it, strange white lines showed up in it. We finally decided that the mirror was haunted!

I wondered if anything strange would again show up in this mirror if Greg and I took more pictures of it since it had been years since we had last photographed it.

So, a couple of days ago, we got out our cameras, and we took pictures of the mirror which we had temporarily placed in our hallway to photograph. Here are the results-

This is the photograph Greg took of the mirror.

I took this photo of the mirror.

There is no doubt that this mirror is still haunted!

Notice the similarities and the differences of the two photographs. Greg's is more at an angle and mine is more straight on. (Taking a picture of a mirror at an angle cuts down on having the flash show up in your picture.) Both mirrors have dark, as well as white lines..

Lines like these that show up in a photographed mirror make what is known as a paranormal grid. We learned that term from a talented psychic, the late Elaine Watson when we showed her several photographs that we had taken of mirrors with lines. I'm so glad that she told us what they were since we couldn't find any information about them on our own. 

It's generally thought that it's best to take pictures of the paranormal with a flash, but Greg and I get paranormal pictures with no flash unless we are taking pictures of mirrors.

I recently read that if you have a haunted mirror, you should never destroy it because harm can come to you if you do. There are ways to safely protect yourself if you have a haunted mirror. There is a website that gives you options on how to deal with this concern. It is-

Just recently, I noticed some websites actually selling haunted mirrors. Now, there's an idea!

If you are interested in seeing more photographs of grids, as well as other paranormal phenomena, check out my Kindle book on Amazon, "Photographic Encounters of the Spirit Kind" by Becky Arnott. It contains over 100 photos that my brother, Nick, and my husband, Greg, and I have taken throughout most of our lives of the haunted houses that we have lived in, as well as other haunted places here in the United States and abroad. For more information, please click the widget above.

Thanks for visiting! Until around Saturday, June 15, 2024, Becky

Thursday, April 25, 2024

"Spirits Are Real!"


After the passing of our beloved cat, Kallie, a few months ago, I'm more convinced than ever that spirits are real, that spirits of people and pets do survive.

Here is our memorial for Kallie which is in our flower garden.

As I mentioned in my last few blog posts, Kallie has been sending us signs that she is still with us. There is not quite as much evidence now that Kallie is around us as there was at first, but at times, she still makes herself known.

Sometimes, especially at night, our cat, Mitzi, a sibling of Kallie's, will stare at the floor as if she is watching something. Would that something be Kallie's spirit?

I, for the past few weeks, have heard faint meows different places at different times in our house. These meows weren't from Mitzi or our outdoor cat, Kit-Cat, since they were both sound asleep when I heard the meows.

Just a couple of days ago, I was carrying some cat food up the steps, when I heard a little meow on the stairway. (As I mentioned in a previous blog post, a stairway can be a place where spirits enter our earthly plane from the spirit world.)

Of course, I'm no stranger to the paranormal since, around the age of four, when I was walking from one room to another at night, balancing a thing on my head, and carrying an object in each hand, I saw something that terrified me so much that I called out to Mama for help.

When she ran to console me, I told her that I saw something scary. I thought I had seen a hand.

Years later, I decided that what I had seen was not of this world.

Eventually, I discovered that I had a talent of taking pictures of spirits, and that my husband, Greg, also possessed the same talent! After all, though, we are soulmates. Paranormal photography runs in my birth family, as well.

In fact, since there were so many paranormal photographs that we had taken, I decided to write a book based on them. There are over 100 paranormal photographs with explanations for each of them in my book.

The title of my book is "Photographic Encounters of the Spirit Kind" which is a Kindle book on Amazon. For more information, just click on the widget above.

I am, as you might imagine, really curious about spirits, other planes of existence, so I read and research a lot.

Recently, I decided to research online about people who had lost their pets to see what their experiences had been like. I discovered that they had had similar experiences to Greg's and mine, like seeing their spirit pets out of the corners of their eyes, etc. One woman even showed a picture of her ghost pet's paw touching a new kitten that the woman had! Many people continued to have these types of incidents for months or even longer after they had lost their pets.

I'm currently reading a fascinating book, "The Dream," written by prolific author David Icke. In the book, he discusses life on Earth, as well as the astral world. It's mind boggling, to say the least! 

I'll have even more to write about next month. Please stay tuned!

Thanks for visiting! Until around Saturday, May 18, 2024, Becky

Sunday, March 17, 2024

"Eerie, Strange, Paranormal..."


I have some things to share with you today that are eerie, strange, paranormal. Some of these are weird things that have happened to others, and some are personal, that Greg and I have recently experienced.

"Many paranormal enthusiasts believe staircases are spiritual vortexes, attracting ascending (and descending!) spirits. At the Biltmore (estate in Asheville, North Carolina), visitor accounts of odd occurrences on the stairs soar in firsthand accounts detailed in online reports and comments."-

"Most of the visitors had reported seeing spirits going up or down the stairs. Sounds of footsteps had also been heard on multiple occasions. Not to be outdone, there have been reports of strange smells, cold spots, and eerie feelings when visitors would go up or down the stairs."-

Our Cat Kallie on Our Stairway, Not Long Before Her Passing

In my two previous blog posts (on 1/21/24 and 2/20/24), I wrote about losing our beloved cat, Kallie, to an illness, and about the paranormal things that manifested as a result of her passing.

Well, these paranormal events are continuing to happen. 

During the past few weeks since my last "Spirit Photographs" blog post, here are some strange things that Greg and I have encountered- (We are convinced that they are manifesting because Kallie is trying to communicate with us.)

~Here is a photograph I took of a tree right outside our dining room window when it was sleeting a few weeks ago-

In the photo above, notice what appears to be white ectoplasm near the top of the tree and the violet ectoplasm at the bottom of the tree. (Is this ectoplasm related to Kallie?)

~A couple of weeks later, Greg and I were upstairs, and just as we were leaving one room and entering the cat room, I heard a distinctive meow that sounded exactly like Kallie. Our cat, Mitzi, was downstairs, so we know it wasn't her. Besides, cats have distinctive meows, just like people have distinctive voices.

~Then, just a few nights ago, I was upstairs again, and Greg came up and told me that he had heard a loud noise in the kitchen, like a pan dropping. He said that he and Mitzi had run into the kitchen, but he saw nothing. He said that Mitzi went over near the pet drinking fountain, and was looking around. It's very possible that it was Kallie that had made that noise because she seemed to really love the new fountain that we had gotten for the cats a few weeks before she passed away. Mitzi must have sensed Kallie's presence, or maybe even saw her there. (Many animals are very psychic. They can often see and hear things in the spirit world that we can't.)

~One night, I was working on the computer in our study, when I began to hear a loud clinking noise that sounded like it came from the kitchen. It was the loud distinctive sound of Kallie's claw, hitting her water dish, to make the water move, as she had done many times before.

~One day, I was in the kitchen, when I heard a noise in the nearby laundry room, and I noticed a cardboard cat food box had fallen over by itself.

There will, no doubt, be more manifestations here at our house in the future, but we don't mind. It's so reassuring that Kallie is letting us know that she's still with us, at least part of the time, since she was such an important part of our lives.

According to our psychic, a new cat is supposed to be coming to our house in the spring, which begins in just two days. Please stay tuned!

Happy spring!

Thanks for visiting! Until around Saturday, April 20, Becky