Monday, September 23, 2024

"A Haunted Tourist Information Center!"


I'm working on a new book, so Greg and I recently stopped by a nearby tourist information center in Southwest Virginia to do some research. While there, we decided to take some pictures.

I took a few photographs while we were outside-

Tourist Information Center

I photographed the fall decorations, and I was surprised to later discover ectoplasm in this photograph-

The photo (above) is a detail from a picture I took of  one of the Virginia "Love" signs that are scattered throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia. Notice the ectoplasm between the fall figure's leg and the yellow flowers. There appears to be even more ectoplasm on the ground.

(In an earlier blog post that I wrote on Saturday, December 18, 2021, entitled "Haunted Gatlinburg, Tennessee," I wrote about similar cartoon-like figures that had quite a bit of ectoplasm around them. I feel like spirits are attracted to these types of figures because they miss having a body.) 

We finally went into this old house that had the tourist information, as well as nice displays of the area. We talked with the lady that worked there (whose name was Shannon), and got her permission to take pictures inside.

I started to take a picture of one of the rooms, but my camera hesitated, and the image looked blurred through the lens. I turned around and asked Shannon if the house was haunted, and I wasn't at all surprised when she said that it was.

(I finally took a picture of that room, but nothing paranormal showed up-

My camera did malfunction in this room earlier so I know that it is haunted, probably because of all of the old pictures and other objects in there.)

Shannon then began to tell me the things that she had seen, like objects that had been moved around during the night while no one was there. She said that she had heard strange things, as well.

Also, three cats live in the house, and Shannon said that they often act as if they see things that she can't see. (Cats, and other animals, too, as a rule, often see things that are paranormal since they are apparently more psychic than most people are.)

One of the Three Resident Cats

When we were about ready to leave, we decided to take pictures of a couple of old mirrors. While we didn't get anything in one mirror, we did get something in this one-

The white streaks at the top of the photo look like they are part of a paranormal grid which is a pretty common phenomenon in paranormal photography. Greg's photo was very similar to mine.

As we were leaving, we suggested that Shannon try taking some pictures herself to see if she could get anything paranormal like we did, since we believed that she was psychic, too. We told her her that she needed to use the flash if she was hoping to get paranormal images in mirrors.

While Greg and I were there at the tourist info center just to do research for a book, we ended up with more than we had bargained for, an old haunted house, and there are a lot more of those than you could ever imagine!

Thanks for visiting! Until around Saturday, October 19, 2024, Becky

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