Saturday, June 15, 2024

"Strange, Paranormal, Unexplained"


 In this blog post, I'm going to touch on a few things that are strange, even paranormal.

There are so many things in this world that are unexplained, things that we just don't quite understand.

Here are some unusual things that have come to my attention in just the past few weeks-

~Yesterday, I happened to think about an old mirror that is in our memorabilia room, and I began wondering if it was haunted like the one I wrote about in my last blog post which was published on May 19, 2024 that was entitled, "A Haunted Mirror!"

Today, I took a picture of the old mirror in the memorabilia room...

but Greg and I can't say for sure that it is haunted. There is no paranormal grid like in the mirror in last month's blog post, but the white streaks, the mirror in the above photograph could be ectoplasm, or they could even be caused by the camera flash. I have found that in order to capture anything paranormal in a mirror, the flash needs to be on. 

If this mirror were haunted by some negative entity, it would be unfortunate since the mirror is on a cabinet that is attached to the wall. That would make it difficult to remove the mirror. Of course, as an alternative, we could just say a prayer and do a ritual to hopefully get rid of any bad spirits. So far, though, we haven't noticed anything negative because of this mirror, thank goodness! 

A really strange thing happened just a few days ago when I was looking in the kitchen for something to show Greg. When I opened one of the doors of our island, which I don't open very often, I couldn't believe it when I found a box of prescription medicine on top of some old cookbooks that I had stored in there.

The medicine was not ours since we don't take medicine anymore. It had belonged to the previous owner of our house, and in the five years that we have lived here, we have never even seen this box of medicine before. How did it suddenly end up on top of my old cookbook collection?

(The owner's name, etc. is on the other side of this box, but for privacy's sake, I, of course, can't show it.)

This is very strange!  This is something to ask our favorite psychic about whenever I talk with her again! Her comments about it should be very interesting!

Also, here is an interesting tidbit- Not long ago, on "Coast to Coast AM," there was a story about Hulk Hogan, the wrestling great, who said that his rival had sent him a voicemail two days after he had died!

For lots more about the paranormal, be sure and check out my Kindle book, "Photographic Encounters of the Spirit Kind." Please see the widget above for more information.

Thanks for visiting! Until around July 20, 2024, Becky

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