Saturday, May 16, 2020

A Haunted Cabin


In my previous recent blog posts, I mentioned that I was going to cleanse our house on the advice of a psychic because of the negative energy of the spirit of a man who had previously lived in our house.

I did a salt-burning ritual which is especially good when moving to a new home. After the cleanse, things seemed to go a lot better for several weeks. We didn't hear or see anything strange, until a couple of days ago!

I was sitting by myself in our living room one night when I heard an unexplained noise upstairs, and the very next night, Greg and I were in the living room when we heard an unexplained noise in our nearby hallway. It wasn't our cats because they were accounted for.

I had hoped I wouldn't have to do smudging using sage, but I decided I'd better go ahead with it soon after we heard the strange noises. I'll cleanse not only our house, but any other areas of our property that might need a good cleanse, like our cabin!

I mentioned our cabin briefly on my 9/22/19 blog post. I have a picture of it on that post which shows some ectoplasm on the outside of the cabin.

This is a picture I took a few days ago of our cabin which looks harmless enough, but I wouldn't want to spend the night there!

For one thing, notice especially the upper left window pane in the above photo. It's what I call snow-and-ice-looking ectoplasm which I mention in my book, "Photographic Encounters of the Spirit Kind" which is on Amazon. (Please see widget above.)

Then, inside the cabin, which is unfinished,...

there are unmistakable orbs and ectoplasm. I did not shake the camera as I was taking the picture. It was spirits that affected the camera to make the photograph turn out the way it did.

As a comparison, look at the photo below that I took just after I took the one above.

This one (above) looks almost normal!

One of our neighbors said that somewhere nearby, most likely on the hill behind our house, is an old slave graveyard. Greg and I both theorized that perhaps the spirits of the slaves were drawn to this cabin since it probably reminded them of where they used to live.

Also, it's possible that the former owner of our house could be here since he build this cabin himself as a workshop. He died before he could finish it. When I cleansed our house, I asked him to leave. He could have come here since I made it clear that our house was no longer his.

I'd like to recommend an intriguing video on . It's called, interestingly enough, "The Haunted Cabin. "It's about Phil's cabin which he has investigated by a paranormal group. It seems that slaves haunt his cabin!

I'll have an update on the latest about our house, cabin, outbuildings, etc. next month. Never a dull moment at our place!

Thanks for visiting! Until Saturday, June 20, 2020, the first day of summer!, Becky

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