Sunday, February 16, 2025

"Two New Spirit Photographs"


I've got two new spirit photographs to show you. One is similar to those I've shown a couple of times before.

It's a picture of an old rustic shed that I photograph nearly every time we go by there. I'm fascinated by the shed because ectoplasm shows up in almost all of the pictures I take of it.

Last week was no exception. I take a picture through our car windshield because there is no place to stop on that road, especially not on the big curve that is near the shed

Here is my latest shed photograph-

When I first saw this photo in my camera, I wondered if there was anything paranormal about it. However, I knew that I would have to put it on our home computer before I could tell anything about it. I had to enlarge it, and when I did, I saw quite a bit of ectoplasm near a pole on the property.

Here is a much closer view which shows the obvious ectoplasm-

The ectoplasm shows up well against the dark background.

For a comparison of the different paranormal photographs I have taken of the old shed, you might want to check out two of my previous blog posts, one of which I published on Sunday, August 18, 2024 entitled "Paranormal Book," and the other one was "More Ectoplasm!," published on Saturday, January 18, 2025.

If you do compare them, you'll notice that the ectoplasm is never the same in any of  the photographs.

We drive by there every week when we take our trash to the dump which is about half a mile from the shed.

At the dump, I sometimes take pictures of the beautiful scenery since there is a really nice view from there.

Last week, however, I saw a cat there, and since I love animals, especially cats, and since this one reminded me of a cat that we used to have, I decided to take its picture-

Since I had to hurriedly take the picture, it didn't turn out very well, but upon closer examination of the photo, it was obviously paranormal. This was totally unexpected!

I usually don't take a picture of something to see if it will turn out to be paranormal (except for something special like the old shed), so I'm usually very surprised when I see something like this cat-at-the-dump photo.

Besides the obvious ectoplasm at the bottom of the trash bin on the right, the whole picture looks washed out! (Compare this photo to the photo of the shed which I had taken only five to ten minutes earlier.)

I really don't know what to think about the ectoplasm near the rustic shed, or at the dump, but I do know who to ask, a really good psychic that I often consult about puzzling things such as these.

What do you think about the ectoplasm in these spirit photographs?

Please check back with me next month when I should have some intriguing answers for you!

Thanks for visiting! Until around Saturday, March 15, 2025, Becky

Saturday, January 18, 2025

"More Ectoplasm!"


I hope your new year is going great!

I've been so busy with projects for the past few weeks, that even though I've taken a lot of pictures, I'm not getting many paranormal ones. Also, I've been having some sinus problems, but thankfully, I'm better than I was. My point is, that in order to take paranormal photographs, I believe you need to be in good shape, both physically and mentally, just like you really need to be in good shape to accomplish most things in life.

I'm seriously working on resting more and taking better care of myself as my most important new year's resolution.

We'll see how that goes. Who knows? I might just have enough paranormal photographs soon to add to a new paranormal book that I could write in the near future!

Anyway, I do have one photograph to share with you that I took a few weeks ago-

If this photo looks familiar, it may be because I featured this very shed in my August 18, 2024 blog post entitled, "Paranormal Book."

This old building fascinates me because it's so picturesque. It's on a country road in a rural area in Southwest Virginia. We often travel that road, and most of the time, as we drive by, I try to take a picture of it for an upcoming book that I'm writing about our Southern Appalachian area. I'll feature the best picture that I take of it in the book.

The reason that I'm featuring it in this blog post, is that, as you might guess, there is something paranormal about it just as there was in the photograph that I featured of it in the August blog post. Do you see what it is?

Here's a close-up of the photo-

There is ectoplasm to the left of this building, in the foreground, and also, on the fence railing above.

Yes, there is more ectoplasm, again generally in the same area as it was in the August photo.

When Greg looked at this picture, he wondered if that was a tombstone in the background. If so, that might help explain the ectoplasm!

Please stay tuned as we do further research!

If you haven't seen my paranormal Kindle book on Amazon, "Photographic Encounters of the Spirit Kind," you might want to check it out by clicking the widget above.

Thanks for visiting! Until around Saturday, February 15, 2025, Becky