Sunday, May 19, 2024

"A Haunted Mirror!"


A few days ago, I was straightening up one of our storage buildings, when I came across an old family heirloom, a mirror, which had belonged to my grandparents. That mirror wasn't just an ordinary mirror since whenever Greg or I took a picture of it, strange white lines showed up in it. We finally decided that the mirror was haunted!

I wondered if anything strange would again show up in this mirror if Greg and I took more pictures of it since it had been years since we had last photographed it.

So, a couple of days ago, we got out our cameras, and we took pictures of the mirror which we had temporarily placed in our hallway to photograph. Here are the results-

This is the photograph Greg took of the mirror.

I took this photo of the mirror.

There is no doubt that this mirror is still haunted!

Notice the similarities and the differences of the two photographs. Greg's is more at an angle and mine is more straight on. (Taking a picture of a mirror at an angle cuts down on having the flash show up in your picture.) Both mirrors have dark, as well as white lines..

Lines like these that show up in a photographed mirror make what is known as a paranormal grid. We learned that term from a talented psychic, the late Elaine Watson when we showed her several photographs that we had taken of mirrors with lines. I'm so glad that she told us what they were since we couldn't find any information about them on our own. 

It's generally thought that it's best to take pictures of the paranormal with a flash, but Greg and I get paranormal pictures with no flash unless we are taking pictures of mirrors.

I recently read that if you have a haunted mirror, you should never destroy it because harm can come to you if you do. There are ways to safely protect yourself if you have a haunted mirror. There is a website that gives you options on how to deal with this concern. It is-

Just recently, I noticed some websites actually selling haunted mirrors. Now, there's an idea!

If you are interested in seeing more photographs of grids, as well as other paranormal phenomena, check out my Kindle book on Amazon, "Photographic Encounters of the Spirit Kind" by Becky Arnott. It contains over 100 photos that my brother, Nick, and my husband, Greg, and I have taken throughout most of our lives of the haunted houses that we have lived in, as well as other haunted places here in the United States and abroad. For more information, please click the widget above.

Thanks for visiting! Until around Saturday, June 15, 2024, Becky