Saturday, November 7, 2015

See the Genuine UFO/Flying Saucer Photo!


In my last "Spirit Photographs" blog post (October 23, 2015), I wrote about my brother's trip to New York state and the Hudson Valley.  In that post, I showed a genuine UFO/flying saucer photo that my brother took and sent to me while on that trip.  It's a lovely photograph taken from the Hudson Bridge.  Several people saw this post, but I'm now trying to get the word out to more folks, because in my mind, this photo is huge!  I researched UFO photos on the Internet, and this is better than most that I saw, and taking a photo like this is so rare!
I'd like to encourage my brother to take it and have it analyzed, because I believe that this photo is every bit as intriguing as his now famous June Tolliver House ghost photo which I tell about in my paranormal book, "Photographic Encounters of the Spirit Kind."

If anyone out there could let me know what steps we need to take to draw more attention to this unique photo, please do!  I'd really appreciate it!

Be sure and check out my October 23 post if you haven't already!

Until Saturday, December 5, 2015 (or sooner!), Becky