Saturday, August 15, 2020

Weird Happenings at the Cabin


On my 5/16/20 "Spirit Photographs" blog post, "A Haunted Cabin," I wrote about the unfinished cabin that is on our property. I had done a ritual of smudging using white sage, and I had convinced myself that the cabin was free of any paranormal activity, but now, I don't think so for two reasons.

First of all, one day, a few weeks ago, I went on the porch of the cabin to see about the plant that was there, when I heard an unexplained noise come from inside the cabin. This is not unusual as this has happened before.

Then, just moments later, I felt the floor of the porch slightly, subtly, and briefly vibrate beneath my feet. I couldn't believe what I was feeling, since I would never have suspected something like that would happen. That was really weird, to say the least!

Cabin Porch

Then, a few days later, I saw Greg out working in the yard, and I decided to take a picture of him as an example of  a person doing something that he loved to do for my other blog, "The Art of Positive Living." 

That little plan was foiled, however, when, despite my holding my camera perfectly still, the whole picture looked as though I'd shaken it on purpose! I've encountered this same phenomenon before when in the presence of paranormal activity.

The cabin is directly behind the tree that Greg is standing in front of.

I started to wonder why the sage ritual that had worked successfully for me before had apparently not worked on the cabin. I finally decided that the new sage that I'd used was barely smoking, and that I'd have to work on the sage to make it burn better to get better results. 

We have been really busy working on our house the past few months, and I haven't had much extra time to devote to working anything such as the paranormal. However, I'm going to carve out some time soon to rid the cabin of  the weird happenings taking place there.

In a few months we hope to either rent out the cabin or to use it as a guest cottage, but the way things are now, I don't believe anyone would want to stay there unless they are real ghost enthusiasts with nerves of steel!

I'll have an update next month on the cabin, plus, Greg and are are planning to visit a creepy area near where we live soon, so please stay tuned!

Thanks for visiting! Until Saturday, September 19, 2020, Becky

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